Avengers Doomsday cast theory – X-Men Days of Future Past created Downey Doom
The Avengers Doomsday cast has been announced and an amazing new Marvel fan theory believes X-Men Days of Future Past created Robert Downey Jr's Doctor Doom.
It took almost 6 hours, but the live stream revealing each star of Avengers Doomsday every 15 minutes or so has finally finished.
Robert Downey Jr returns as Marvel supervillain Doctor Doom to take on the Avengers, Thunderbolts, Fantastic Four and the original X-Men.
Sir Patrick Stewart, Sir Ian McKellen, Kelsey Grammer, Alan Cumming, James Marsden and Rebecca Romijn are all reprising their classic roles from 20 years ago.
Marvel has teased that more cast members will be announced, but in the meantime, this is huge news for the MCU multiverse epic that will lead into 2027’s Avengers Secret Wars.
And now a stunning new fan theory claims that the events of X-Men Days of Future Past have something to do with it.
The 2014 X-Men time travel movie witnessed Wolverine going back in time from 2023 to 1973 to stop the creation of the Sentinel robots and prevent an apocalyptic future.
Logan was successful and returned to 2023, where he found that dead X-Men, including James Marsden’s Cyclops, were alive and well.
Responding to the Avengers Doomsday cast announcement, Screen Rant’s Liam T Crowley tweeted: “Grammer. Stewart. McKellen. Cumming (ha). Gotta be the Fox Universe. The one that reversed the Sentinels. ‘You mess with time it tends to mess back.’ Did reversing the events of Days of Future Past create Downey Doom?? Stay with me now!!”
The line “You mess with time, it tends to mess back” was said by Tony Stark in Avengers Endgame before the superheroes went back in time to retrieve the Infinity Stones. So the theory is that since Wolverine changed the Fox Universe’s past in Days of Future Past, and a new future was created with a Doctor Doom that looks like Iron Man. This would mean a clash between the MCU Avengers and the Fox X-Men because when each team sees the same man, they either witness a hero or a villain, depending on their universe’s experience of him. So perhaps we’ll be seeing an Avengers vs X-Men-type battle in Doomsday? We also saw Kelsey Grammer’s Beast at the end of The Marvels when Monica Rambeau woke up in another universe, so presumably, it’s that X-Men reality.
Avengers Doomsday hits cinemas on May 1, 2026 and Avengers Secret Wars follows a year later.