Belgravia The Next Chapter locations including 'once in a lifetime opportunity'
Belgravia: The Next Chapter airs on ITVX and it follows Frederick Trenchard and his marriage to Clara Dunn.
Belgravia: The Next Chapter airs on ITVX and it follows Frederick Trenchard and his marriage to Clara Dunn.Belgravia The Next Chapter was filmed in London and Scotland (
Image: ITV)
Belgravia: The Next Chapter has just arrived on ITVX and it stars Benjamin Wainwright as Lord Frederick Trenchard and Harriet Slater as Clara Dunn. The series is set 30 years on from the original Belgravia, showcasing a new generation.
Harriet's character Clara was about to be born at the end of Belgravia and in the new series, she is seen experiencing High Society for the first time. Writer Helen Edmundson explained: "In this series, I wanted to expand the canvas – There’s a rather Bohemian set who are passionate about workers’ rights and about the relationship between man and nature, and I wanted to take us there and have some of the characters be rooted in that world.
"I wanted to create a really intriguing and slightly Bohemian French character, so I’ve introduced Marquise D’Etagnac, who is enormously wealthy and enormously mischievous." The series was filmed across Edinburgh and London, with actress Harriet highlighting some particular locations.
She said: "We’ve been at a different stately home every week since the start of filming which has been incredible because I’m a massive stately home nerd and I go to National Trust properties on my day off - this has been a dream come true!
"I think my favourite was Basildon Park in Reading because I visited it a year before with my friend, and then as we were arriving to set I thought, 'I recognise this place!' It was somewhere I’d visited before, and now we’re back using it as our Eton home. That location was used quite a lot in Downton Abbey, which was fun to recognise."
Clara Trenchard played by Harriet Slater and Rev. James Trenchard played by Toby Regbo
She also highlighted a once in a lifetime opportunity, adding: "We got to visit Alastair Bruce’s house in Edinburgh Castle, and he did a private tour for us one evening, which was amazing.
"We all got to have a dram of whisky on the top of Edinburgh Castle. It was a real once in a lifetime opportunity which we were very lucky to experience, as he’s only the governor of the castle for a couple more years."
Actor Benjamin echoed his co-star's thoughts, sharing his own favourite location - Blists Hill.
He said: "You have to pinch yourself sometimes because every day you're walking into these increasingly elaborate places and you just think, 'Oh, this is my place of work'.
Clara and Frederick are married in the series
"I have to remind myself that it's not normal to be given access to these places. We were in Scotland at a place called Manderston that was doubling for Lake Como.
"The atmosphere of the place and the amount of marble around meant there was still so much romance to it. It felt like it really could have been Italy.
"We went to a place called Blists Hill, which is a mock Victorian town which takes the setting of my character’s Foundry. It had these full-scale Bessemer converters, which are for converting pig iron to steel, with a fully functioning spark spitting, fire breathing machine there."
Many of the stars hailed Edinburgh as one of the most memorable highlights from filming.
Belgravia: The Next Chapter airs on ITVX