Drivers face M8 delays as 18 days of closures announced for roadworks
Drivers could face delays on the M8 eastbound for almost two weeks with parapet replacement taking place.
Drivers face M8 delays as 18 days of closures announced for roadworks (Image: Archives)
Drivers could face delays on the M8 eastbound for more than two weeks with parapet replacement taking place.
Amey is carrying out the work on behalf of Transport Scotland at Junction 18 (Charing X) from Sunday, March 23 until Thursday, April 10.
It means there will be total closure of the M8 eastbound junction 18 off-slips to St George’s Road/Great Western Road, including the eastbound junction 19 Anderston on-slip, from 8pm on Sunday, March 23 until 6am on Monday, March 24 and then again from 8pm on Wednesday, April 9 until 6am on Thursday, April 10.
A continuous 24 hour closure will also be in place for the off-slip to Great Western Road from 6am on Monday, March 24 until 6am on Wednesday, April 9.
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Continuous nearside lane closures will also be in operation on Great Western Road between West Graham Street and St George’s Road on-slip to Great West Road from Sunday, March 23 at 8pm until Thursday, April 10 at 6am.
A spokesperson for Amey said: “Please note, all schemes are weather dependent and may be cancelled or rescheduled if weather conditions are not favourable.
“This scheme will benefit vehicles using this route each day, by improving the condition and safety of the parapet and reducing the need for more extensive maintenance in the future.”
M8 motorway
Transport Scotland
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