Saturday Kitchen guest forced to apologise as schedule change causes chaos
Saturday Kitchen star Ben Miller was forced to apologise to viewers after he was two minutes late to the show
Saturday Kitchen: Ben Miller apologises for late arrival
Saturday Kitchen kicked off at a sprightly 9:30am today, 15th March, and with that early morning shake-up, special guest Ben Miller ended up joining the programme a tad behind schedule.
The actor and author was featured on this week's episode, but host Matt Tebbutt had a bit of a snag properly introducing him at the start due to Miller's late arrival.
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Tebbutt humorously remarked on Miller's wide-ranging talents while he promoted his latest children's book, however, noted that "setting his alarm clock" might not be among those skills.
When the Bridgerton actor eventually entered the studio, a mere two minutes tardy, he quickly delivered a series of reasons for his lateness before facing the camera to express his regret to viewers.
Last week, Tebbutt had revealed the change to an earlier start time, which also resulted in BBC Breakfast wrapping up sooner. The cooking show came to a close at 11am to accommodate Football Focus, followed by the Women's League Cup Final clash between Chelsea and Manchester City at 11:45am, reports the Express.
But it wasn't solely the amended schedule throwing Miller off this morning; after arriving slightly dishevelled, he tried to clarify why he was delayed.
Tebbutt couldn't resist teasing Miller with a joke about his late entry, stating: "Bet you haven't done that walk of shame for a while!"
Miller was quick with a comeback: "I have excuses if you want to hear them."
The playful banter continued as sommelier Ollie Smith joined in, ribbing Miller with a cheeky "Was it a lovely sleep?", to which the guest jovially confirmed, "It was wonderful.
"I had too many very strong tonic waters," Miller confessed, eliciting Tebbutt's response: "Good for you!"
Miller eventually admitted: "No, I don't drink. Honestly, that's not the reason. I have jet lag. Honestly, I've got as many excuses as you like. My alarm didn't go off!"
Smith responded with a joke: "Did the peacock eat your homework as well?" Miller replied in kind: "Yeah, the dog ate my homework, too."
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The guest expressed relief at finally being on set, enthusiastically reaching for a cup of coffee.
Turning to face the camera, he offered an apologetic: "I'm so sorry, I'm so sorry."
Saturday Kitchen airs Saturdays from 10am on BBC One and BBC iPlayer.