She Bought An Extra Concert Ticket For Her Friend As A Favor, But Her Friend Keeps Making Excuses Why She Can’t Pay Her Back
She’s clearly not making the concert ticket a priority.
The more you realize you can trust a friend, the stronger the friendship becomes. The opposite is also true.
In this woman’s case, she bought two tickets to see My Chemical Romance while her friend told her she would pay her back as soon as she could.
That sounds fair, but the friend hasn’t paid her back yet. She’s getting impatient.
Let’s analyze the situation.
My friend and I bought tickets to see MCR in a few months.
I set aside money to buy both tickets and sat in the queue for them.
It was about $270 for both, which means she owed me $135.
We are both college students, and I have expenses with grad school coming up, but I can afford to go to this concert and it’s not a problem.
Her friend keeps making excuses.
I bought those tickets back in November, and she promised to pay me back then after her next paycheck.
Lo and behold, it’s now February, and I have yet to receive the money.
I set a few deadlines, asking for it consistently, but not trying to be annoying about it.
She keeps making excuses, complaining that she has no money.
It doesn’t add up, though.
But at that time, I watched her get a $300 tattoo, and she’s getting another one next week.
I’m tired of being out of this kind of cash, and tired of the excuses when I know she’s just not prioritizing it.
She, to me, can’t afford this concert.
I’m tempted to just sell her ticket. Would that be wrong to do?
Her friend seems to be taking her and the ticket for granted.
Let’s see if Reddit has any insight into this situation.
A reader shares their thoughts.
This commenter suggests how to deal with the situation.
Simple like that.
Well observed.
The plain truth.
She’s clearly not making the concert ticket a priority.
If you thought that was an interesting story, check this one out about a man who created a points system for his inheritance, and a family friend ends up getting almost all of it.
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