What Is Proteus? Zero Day's NSA Weapon Explained
What does the Proteus weapon actually do?
Warning: Contains SPOILERS for Zero Day!
Zero Day features a dangerous secret NSA weapon called Proteus, and here's what it is and if it was used in the Netflix miniseries, explained. The main threat throughout Zero Day is the Zero Day Attack, a deadly cyber security attack that downed almost all communication and transportation systems in the world for a minute. This greatly destabilized the country, with the threat of another attack sending the government into a frenzy. However, the Zero Day Attack isn't the only dangerous piece of technology in the world of Zero Day, with the NSA's Proteus weapon offering an equally dangerous threat.
Zero Day follows Robert De Niro's George Mullen, a former President of the United States, in the weeks following the aforementioned Zero Day Attack. George Mullen is pulled out of retirement to become the head of the Zero Day Commission, with him attempting to hunt down the culprits behind the deadly cyber attack. However, Mullen's declining mental state makes this task difficult. Mullen's health is one of the biggest mysteries in Zero Day, with it remaining a mystery as to if his declining state is natural or if it is the result of a secret NSA weapon.
The NSA's Proteus Weapon ExplainedHere's What It Does
During the events of Zero Day, George Mullen becomes aware of Proteus, with CIA Director Lasch revealing that it is a retired NSA project. This leads Valerie Whitesell to track down more information about the weapon, with Zero Day episode 4 seeing her finally find one of the scientists who worked on the project. Upon confronting the reclusive scientist, he finally tells her what Proteus was, giving her a run-down of how it works and how dangerous the weapon is.
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According to the scientist, Proteus was actually a neurological weapon, with it being able to inflict a traumatic brain injury from a distance. Despite its consequential effects, Proteus was meant to be untraceable, with the origins of the brain damage being impossible to connect to Proteus. The scientist also mentions that Proteus violated the Geneva Conventions, highlighting just how dangerous it was. However, the scientist believes that Proteus was abandoned, with it seemingly never being used. Zero Day raises the question as to if Proteus is being used, with it seemingly being utilized on one specific target: George Mullen.
Was Proteus Used In Zero Day?It Is Never Seen Being Used
Despite the constant discussions of Proteus throughout Zero Day, the actual weapon is never seen in the show. There is lots of talk about Proteus' history, what it is, and what it does, but the viewer never sees a character actually use it. Viewers still don't even know what the weapon looks like or how it is used, with it mostly just having its effects discussed. Proteus seemed to be more of a red herring in Zero Day, with it being set up as a potential threat that is never paid off by the end of the series.
However, it is possible that Proteus could have been used in the past. The scientist who Valerie Whitesell talks to seems to know everything about the effects of Proteus, with him seemingly being horrified at its potential uses. Thus, it would make sense that the project has been used before during its testing phase. Proteus could have also been used on cast members of Zero Day without their knowledge, with the individuals who are pulling the strings using it to make moves in thier favor. When it comes to confirmed uses, though, Zero Day has none.
Was Proteus Used Against George Mullen?It Remains A Mystery
George Mullen's declining mental state is one of the biggest mysteries throughout Zero Day, with something clearly being wrong with Robert De Niro's character. George Mullen is seeing things, hearing things, getting his timeline confused, and more, with him even having to undergo a psychological evaluation. While he did pass this test, suggesting that his mental state is better than it seems, he lied about some elements. So, if George Mullen's declining mental state isn't natural, then there is only one other explanation.
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If Proteus was used in Zero Day, then it was probably used on George Mullen. The weapon could have been used to hinder Mullen's investigation and hurt his credibility as the head of the Zero Day Commission. After all, the culprits behind the Zero Day Attack ended up being members of the government. So, if anyone could have gotten access to Proteus, it would be them. However, this question is never fully answered, with the origins of George Mullen's state being a mystery at the end of Zero Day.
Your RatingZero Day
Release Date
2025 - 2024
Dee Johnson