What Song Tim Sings In The White Lotus Season 3, Episode 5 & What It Really Means
Timâ??s song has a lot of meaning.
This article contains spoilers for The White Lotus season 3, episode 5, and also contains mention of suicide.
The White Lotus season 3, episode 5 has one scene in which Tim is singing a song, one that has a lot of deeper meaning for him. Of all the members of The White Lotus season 3's cast, Tim is arguably undergoing the most turmoil, maybe rivaled only by Rick. Timothy's pre-White Lotus crimes coming to light has caused him to undergo a downward spiral, be it his turn to drugs or his suicidal tendencies when facing the ramifications of his actions as a shady businessman.
Even The White Lotus season 3's location as a wellness center designed to reduce stress could not do so for Timothy, primarily due to his external circumstances. The ending of The White Lotus season 3, episode 5 is an interesting one for Timothy, as he seemingly meets his darkest point via an attempted suicide. After this, though, Timothy seemingly turns to religion, linking to a song he sang earlier in the episode that has several meanings for him specifically.
Timothy Sings "Es Ist Ein Ros Entsprungen" In The White Lotus Season 3: Lyrics & MeaningThe Song Is One Of Religion
The song that Timothy sings in The White Lotus season 3, episode 5 is "Es Ist Ein Ros Enstprungen." This is a Christmas Carol and a Marian hymn of German origin, though one that has had several different versions over the years. In English, the title of the song is "Lo, how a rose e'er blooming," the titular rose referring to the Virgin Mary. In The White Lotus season 3, episode 5, Tim is singing the version of the song recorded by Theodore Baker based on the lyrics.
The lyrics of the song indicate the birth of Jesus Christ. That said, the lyrics focus inherently on Mary and how she is the titular rose, springing to expel darkness and birth a savior to mankind via God's love. At first, this could simply seem like Timothy recalling a song he used to sing as a child, but the ending of the episode provides more personal meaning of the song chosen and applies it to his story in The White Lotus season 3, episode 5.
What Tim's Song Means In The White Lotus Season 3Tim's Song Links To His Dark Final Scene
As alluded to, The White Lotus season 3, episode 5 ends with Timothy attempting to take his own life. Using the gun he stole in The White Lotus season 3, episode 4's ending, Tim intended to end his life as a means of avoiding the fallout of his situation with Kenny Nguyen, but he does not end up going through with it. The reason for this is that Victoria interrupts Timothy right before he pulls the trigger, asking if he is okay and why he has been acting strange lately.
The prayer to God at the end of the episode indicates that Tim could be looking for a solution to his situation via religion...
This gives Tim somewhat of an outlet, allowing him to vent some frustrations before he throws away his suicide note and prays to God for help. Based on the earlier song, Victoria is the rose that is described as expelling darkness. These lyrics come in the final verse of the song and link to the idea of sharing the load, something Timothy somewhat does in The White Lotus season 3, episode 5, despite not telling Victoria everything.
On a broader level, Tim's song simply signifies his potential turn to spirituality. The prayer to God at the end of the episode indicates that Tim could be looking for a solution to his situation via religion, which could have been brought on by his song earlier in the episode. The White Lotus season 3 has placed a big focus on religion and spirituality, be it Piper's decision to live among the people of Thailand, Rick's friend - played by Sam Rockwell - talking about Buddhism, or Timothy's hymn and prayer.
Tim Now Probably Won't Die In The White Lotus Season 3Tim Should Live To See Out The Season
As has become common for seasons of The White Lotus, these developments are used to explore how one or more characters could end up as this season's victim. The White Lotus season 3's death was teased in the premiere, with Tim being positioned as a likely victim in the run-up to The White Lotus season 3, episode 5. From his deteriorating business situation to his reliance on drugs and the hints of suicide, the show made it no secret that Timothy was on the path to a dark fate.
RelatedI've Changed My Mind About The White Lotus Season 3's Death: I'm Now Convinced It WON'T Be Jason Isaacs' Tim
The climactic death in The White Lotus season 3 remains a mystery, but I am at least convinced that it will not be Jason Isaacs’ Timothy Ratliff.
However, after The White Lotus season 3, episode 5, it is almost guaranteed that Tim will not die by the time the story ends. Tim's brush with death came too early for him to be the victim teased in the premiere's cold open, and his turn to religion could indicate some form of salvation for him in the final three episodes. At this point, it makes more sense for Tim to survive The White Lotus season 3 than it does for him to die, if only due to the developments of episode 5 that link inherently to his song.
The White Lotus
Release Date
July 11, 2021
Mike White
Mike White
Mike White